Monday, May 28, 2012

Team versus individuals: a culture clash

Do you like basketball? We could be getting close to something interesting. The San Antonio Spurs are breaking all NBA records with their nineteen game winning streak. We could be heading toward a NBA Finals featuring the Spurs against the Miami Heat. Team versus individual stars. Here are some of the things writer Jason Whitlock has to say about the possibility:

"The biggest lie in sports is that the San Antonio Spurs are boring. Winning is never boring. The Spurs aren’t remotely boring. They’re poorly marketed by a commissioner and a league that overdosed on Michael Jordan and the celebration of individual over team. They’re poorly defined by media that are gutless, politically correct and lazy.

 The Spurs share the ball and the scoring load, rely on a 10-man playing rotation and run an exquisitely precise offense. James and Wade, with the exception of the last three games against the Pacers, mostly go one-on-one for their points. Duncan, Parker and Ginobili rarely dunk. James and Wade are featured on "SportsCenter" nightly.

The Spurs should be the NBA’s version of the Green Bay Packers. Yes, the Cowboys are more glamorous and the Steelers and the 49ers have won more titles. But little old Green Bay is “Titletown.” The Packers are a huge national television draw. No one would call the Packers boring.

The Spurs are not boring. Greatness is never boring. And if these Spurs go on to win the title, there will be no denying they’re one of the greatest teams in NBA history."

Read more here:

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