Monday, May 28, 2012

"An industrial vacuum cleaner for sensitive information"

A huge 20MB (20 times larger than Stuxnet, which infected Iran's nuclear program) virus has been infecting computers in Iran, Israel, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt since August 2010. It is known as Flame. Individual hackers and cybercriminals have been ruled out. It is thought to be a nation state that has produced it. Could it be the U.S.? Read more here:

Update:  Symantec said the virus had also been found in computers in Hungary, Austria, Russia, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates.  Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. A huge 20MB (20 times larger than Stuxnet, which infected Iran's nuclear program) virus has been infecting computers in Iran,
    industrial cleaner
