Thursday, May 17, 2012

Congress rejects Obama FY 2013 budget 513-0

Do you have a budget? President Obama submitted a budget to Congress for Fiscal Year 2013. In March it was rejected by the House of Representatives, and yesterday it was rejected by the U.S. Senate. The combined vote was 513-0. Did you hear about that on the evening news? How about your local newspaper? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid does not look very happy about Republican Senators forcing a vote. From Powerline:
"Four different Republican budgets were taken up by the Senate. The House budget (commonly referred to as the Ryan budget) was voted down 41-58. The vote on Pat Toomey’s budget was 42-47; the vote on Rand Paul’s budget was 16-83; and the vote on Mike Lee’s budget was 17-82. The common denominator was that no Democrat had the courage to vote for any of them.
Has an American political party ever been so irresponsible? It is hard to think of an equally craven precedent. Today Jeff Sessions said:
Today, before the whole nation, the majority party running the Senate effectively declared that as long as they’re in charge this country will not have a budget.
Their message is simple: Send Washington more money. Don’t ask us what we’ll do with it. They’re determined to avoid public accountability as our nation spends its way to financial disaster."
Read more here:

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