Friday, April 13, 2012


David Burge, the proprietor of the IowaHawk blog, has been tweeting about our economic realities, which are being hush-hushed by the various distractions like the Trayvon Martin case, the "war on women," and Sandra Fluke's inability to afford contraception. Here are some of Burge's tweets:
Current US debt: $15.65 Trillion.

 The government spends $10.4 billion every day, $4.2 billion borrowed.

Only 46% of those 16-25 are employed. 85% of 2011 college grads moved back home. College debt > $1 trillion.

 There is literally not enough money in the entire world to pay for America's $100 trillion in unfunded entitlements.

3 of America's 5 most populous states are teetering on bankruptcy, with bond ratings at junk status.

 The US has 20% more debt than the EU, with a smaller economy.

If you stop the wars, tax Fortune 500 profits & incomes > $250k at 100%, you couldn't pay for 8 months of fed spending.

China doesn't want any more IOUs. 61% of all new fed debt is funded by the Federal Reserve, a/k/a the printing press.  

In the last month while the media was pursuing Trayvon, slutgate & Wars on Women, we ran up > $100 B in debt.

 The US is now record high debt rates and record low birth rates. Who do you expect to pay for your entitlements?  

 There are more Americans older than 65 than Americans 20-29.

 There's war in this country all right. A government economic war on young people.!/iowahawkblog

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