Thursday, March 29, 2012

Which do you prefer, capitalism or socialism?

From an interview of Ion Mihai Pacepa, the former head of the Romanian intelligence service under Ceausescu, by Madeleine Simon:
14. Since coming to America, what most positively surprised you about the country, and what has most negatively surprised you?


What most negatively surprised me? A 2008 Rasmussen poll showing that only 53% of Americans preferred capitalism to socialism. There seems to be a new generation of American young people who have no longer been taught real history in school, who know little if anything about the destructive power of Marxism — a sinister plague that dispossessed a third of the world’s population and killed some 94 million people — and who believe that a socialist utopia would solve everything in the world.


  1. It's getting to be a pattern. Bob posts his reading and I find things I want to blog about or send to friends. The interview here is one I wish I could paste in each of my children's bathrooms for contemplation. Three daughters and their sig others. Only two of the men types are remotely conservative. Aargh. Unfortunately the acorn never falls far from the tree, it's just that I uprooted that tree and replanted a LONG time ago.

    Anyway, I'll quit with the comments. Just wanted to tell you that I do enjoy following behind you.

  2. Pretty much for me it's capitalism
