Sunday, March 04, 2012

Judge Scalia: "have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity"

Catholicism is in the news these days, thanks to Obama's attempts to make religious institutions pay for abortifacients and other birth control measures. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was in Denver yesterday speaking to a group of Catholics. He noted that we need to have the courage to have our wisdom regarded as stupidity by society's sophisticates. "The 75-year-old Scalia said that today one can believe in a creator and the teachings of Jesus without being the brunt of too much ridicule, but that to hold traditional Christian beliefs that Jesus is God and He physically rose from the grave is to be derided as simple-minded by those considered leading intellectuals."

Did you know that six of the nine Supreme Court Justices are Catholic? That number includes all five who sometimes vote together in support of conservative principles: Kennedy, Roberts, Thomas, Scalia and Alito. We can thank George W. Bush for Roberts, Alito, and Scalia, and his father for Thomas. We have Ronald Reagan to thank for Justice Kennedy. The other Catholic, Sonia Sotomayor, appointed by Obama, joins three Jewish Justices in the solidly liberal voting bloc.

In Washington, Scalia said, the pundits and media couldn't believe in a miracle performed under their noses.
"My point is not that reason and intellect need to be laid aside," Scalia said. "A faith without a rational basis should be laid aside as false. ... What is irrational is to reject a priori the possibility of miracles in general and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in particular."

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