Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Democrats' war on women


  1. Rush is right in this respect. The double standard is for the time here to stay. We have got to find a way to deal with it.

  2. I have been a proud Republican since Nixon, when I first began to vote. If you asked me a year ago, I would have said, "anyone but Obama." However, as an award-winning scientific research fellow at CM, I started to do my own in-depth study about 16 months ago, because there was so much conflicting information in the news and elsewhere. I have learned a lot in a bit over 1,000 hours of my own research, which not only makes it hard for me to support any of the current Republican's vying to be the candidate for President, I have realized that without a doubt that the core Republican party cares much more about getting back and maintaining control than it does about the financial interests and well-being of at least 99% of Americans. Now doubt, both sides spin things, but with what I have learned, and have started to share in terms of research notes and references, I am now quite embarrassed to think that just a year ago I strongly supported.

    Most importantly I have found that the republicans are looking to form a Plutonomy with our society; and have quietly been able to get it almost fully in-place, without most of us knowing. I discovered that this was done because they have done their own research and have decided that creating a Plutonomy is the best way to enable two simple things: (1) get direct access to the huge sums of money that they believe will get and keep them in office, and (2) restructure things politically and economically in the US, so that it will give them the best tax and related advantages. This infrastructure didn't happen overnight, it actually took about a decade of legislation, restructuring of government, including the Supreme Court.

    All of this this doesn't necessarily sound so bad until you learn three things. (1) a Plutonomy, by definition is designed to benefit only the top few percent at the expense of the vast majority of other citizens. (2) the formation of this becomes the overriding goal, and Reps will do whatever it takes to enable this at the expense of our country's ongoing interests. (3) as has been described in detail in various "elite client's and supporter's" documents circulated to key hyper-wealthy supporters by Citigroup, people in the Rep party; if they can just keep the majority of us from discovering what is happening for another few years it will reach a "point of no return," where enough legislation, infrastructure and a broad enough power base will in place to guarantee that they can keep the Plutonomy in place for good (short of a revolution, as noted in the first core document that Citigroup circulated on the Plutonomy).

    I know that it sounds like some fictitious evil plot asserted by some kind of crazy counter-culture zealot. Sadly, it’s real, and worse, Citicorp and a group of Lawyers and hackers that they employ work around the clock to keep it out of the hands of anyone except the intended elite (under threat of law and IT hacking devastation, see the following for example, until removed:
    I do very well financially, but if like me, you are not in the top 1% (making an average of $960,000 per year, with typically at least 9.8 million in disposable assets) then you are at the losing end of the new Plutonomy that the Republicans are trying to solidify.

    So, while 20-30 years ago, the country was wasting far too much money on creating and supporting generations of welfare families, and other things that were not in line with the country's long term interests, the pendulum has now swung way too far towards moving any and all political, financial and collective economic support away from the majority of US citizens and to a corporate-run state that is in bed with the Republican party.

    What a difference a year can make. So, if you care about this great country, as well as what we all work for, please care enough to learn more about all of this, and listen and learn far beyond the headlines.

  3. Wyatt,
    I am glad you took the time to explain your position. I recommend you read Dismantling America by Thomas Sowell. If that book does not bring you back into the fold, I don't know what will! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to comment in such a thorough manner.
