Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twenty-first century hypocrisy

Victor Davis Hanson: "Saying one thing, while doing another, is no longer hypocrisy, but rather logical, given that sinning is finessed by prior qualification. Deploring racial profiling ensures that you do not have to visit Detroit too often — and never feel guilt in avoiding it. Warren Buffett circumventing inheritance taxes, or fighting the IRS, requires him duly to whine about the soft tax treatment accorded billionaires like himself. Barack Obama can shake down Wall Street donors, but only if he has first branded them fat cats and corporate jet owners. Deriding super-PACs is requisite to creating them. You can keep Guantanamo open only if you damn those who opened it."

He writes about the new ten commandments here:  http://pjmedia.com/victordavishanson/the-new-commandments-on-the-barn-wall/?singlepage=true

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