Friday, February 10, 2012

"Time to leave"

Cold Fury links to Michael Yon, who has this to say about the Afghanistan war:
"This war is going to turn out badly. We are wasting lives and resources while the United States decays and other threats emerge.  We led the horse to water.
Importantly, there is no value in pretending that Pakistan is an ally. We should wish the best of luck to the Afghans, and the many peaceful Pakistanis, and accelerate our withdrawal of our main battle force. The US never has been serious about Afghanistan. Under General Petraeus we were starting to gain ground, but the current trajectory will land us in the mud.
The enemies will never beat us in Afghanistan.  Force on force, the Taliban are weak by comparison.  Yet this is their home.  There is only so much we can do at this extreme cost for the many good Afghan people.  We must reduce our main effort and concentrate on other matters.  Time to come home."
Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who is saying this, and I think it is a significant reason why he has such a solid base of support.

1 comment:

  1. Hard one to call. But if anyone knows it would be Yon.
