Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Obama's Truth Teams

"Obama is going to set up Truth Teams. I assume their purpose will be to hunt down and destroy any truths they can find as those could be quite destructive to Obama’s reelection chances. If people actually look at Obama’s performance and ability and the results he’s obtained, he has little chance or reelection. Thus his Truth Teams will eliminate truths when they find them and try and muddy things up so people might actually considered reelecting the miserable failure. Truth is another one of those things like freedom that gets in the way of truly important things like free contraception." by Frank J. at IMAO http://www.imao.us/

1 comment:

  1. This is what I mean about Freedom Summer Bob. The "truth" won't be what comes out. Can you imagine reading our newspapers 100 years from now and believing it was the truth?
