Saturday, February 04, 2012

"I've done nothing wrong!"

From the Volokh Conspiracy blog: "Yesterday afternoon, at the OccupyDC protest in Washington, DC, a police officer tased a protester. As I understand it, the police were putting notices around the protest site that all camping supplies had to be removed because the site was no longer going to be made available for the protest. A protester in a red shirt proceeded to tear down the notices after the police left them, and he is heard screaming at the police: “Let them clean up the trash in the fucking parkway! It was your fucking trash, you fucking pigs!” The police then walked after the protester, who ran away from the police. A bunch of officers then surrounded the man, who started repeating that he had done nothing wrong. Two officers then went to grab him, but he resisted; after he continued to resist, a third officer tased him. Here’s the video:
After watching the video, blog readers were asked to vote on whether or not they thought the police officer acted appropriately in using the taser on the thug. Surprisingly to me, only 46% thought she acted appropriately, while 38% thought she did not. Count me in with the 46%.

Recently I spoke with an elementary school teacher who told me he had gone down to Denver's state capital grounds to speak with the Occupiers camped out there. He told me that he was very disappointed in "the police presence" there. I am glad Sara and/or Greg do not have this guy as a doormat, er, ah I mean, teacher.

Update:  Chart found here:

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the 60s when "they" delighted in calling the police pigs. We need a Starsky and Hutch show to win crazies back to the better side giggle.
