Jeff Goldstein writes at Protein Wisdom:
"Hard work, fair play, shared responsibility. That’s who we are as a people.”
"So says President Obama, who then raises our taxes, deficit-spends us into a devalued currency and a lowered credit rating, and subsidizes those who in turn subsidize his political aspirations — through phony green energy boondoggles, sops to public sector unions, and ever-growing entitlement spending on the dependent class the Democrats rely on as their voting base, and whom they therefore must always endeavor to keep dependent.But here’s the thing: dictating conformity and enforcing “shared responsibility” — which is nothing more than man’s way to dignify State-sponsored theft by slapping on a veneer of moral rectitude and faux populism — is a direct assault on a free people, particularly in an atmosphere where the government gets to define what is “fair” and how much one is commanded, under a “progressive” scheme, to “share”.
Who I am as a person, Mr President, is me. And in this country, I’m supposed to allowed to be me, provided I don’t run afoul of the law. Yet more and more, what I eat, where I sleep, what I sleep on, what my children eat, what I drive, how much I drive, how much energy I use, how I see, how my house is painted, and on and on and on, are determined in DC by bureaucrats and administrators — and I’m told that a failure to follow their rules puts me at odds with the laws of the State.
This is no way for free men and women to live.
And free men and women left unmolested by the State is who we as Americans should be “as a people”.
That we’re not any longer — having long ago become pawns to the social engineers and technocrats playing Sim City on a grand scale — must be part of that “fundamental transformation” we hear so much about.
The problem being, we’re still Americans. And sooner or later, the idea that we must all be worker bees in the service of the fat Queen of the State is going to prove unpalatable to many of us.
At which point, the pendulum is going to swing back."
Shared is NOT what I remember anyone saying about us as a people.