Friday, February 03, 2012

First instincts

Is Mitt Romney's first instinct to pander, when challenged by the press? This blogger thinks so:
Update: Steve McCann makes so many good points in this piece that I can only urge you to read more here:
Update 2: 
"What is so worrisome to me is not Romney’s words, which are relatively cogent to the rational audience. Rather, the indication that the media is so willing to distort an innocuous phrase to this extent, and the Romney campaign retreats.
It’s the appearance of spinelessness in the face of the the Postmodern media that moves the Not Mitt Romney crowd. Mitt has got to point out, loudly, this false propaganda mongering more or less daily, and not reprise John McCain’s complacency." Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna say something here I hope will not be misunderstood. The Mormon way is to be nice, consider the other guy's feelings, etc. Romney does have a problem with this. Thankfully I'm a southern Mormon ha ha and we don't mind calling it the way we see it. Gives the Utah Mormons fits. And we rather like that.
