Yes, left-leaning Catholics, he probably did promise to exempt you. He makes a lot of promises, but his track record for keeping promises is not very good. Read more here:
Update: Are you familiar with the word taqiyya? How about dissimulation? These words refer to the Islamic practice whereby an adherent is permitted to conceal their religion when under threat. Michael Walsh writes at The Corner that Obama is an "Alinskyite practitioner of American taqiyya, for whom subterfuge,
dissimulation, misdirection, and bald-faced lying are a way of life." Read more here:
Update 2: The blogger at Cold Fury adds: "Living under a tyrannical totalitarian state presents people who love
liberty with some tough choices, with no good outcome guaranteed. But
the choice of knuckling under, working to undermine the system from
within, or outright defiance is one we’ll all be forced to confront
sooner or later, in one way or another. That’s the price of decades of
complacency and denial, and it is pretty danged steep." Read more here:
Update 3: Andrew McCarthy writes at The Corner that Obama "is not being pulled to extremes by his base — he is the one doing the pulling." Read more at
Update 4: Ross Kaminsky writes about the broader subject of waivers here:
In a very weird way Obama is the president I wanted in this sense he is doing what he said he would running all over Congress to do it; and the Supreme Court is cowed as well. Trouble is, that ain't the way I wanted to go.