Friday, February 03, 2012

At least he's obnoxious!

This blog post sums up the way I am feeling about the GOP race right now:
"Romney’s a nice guy, especially considering that his spine was replaced with molded gelatin in a bunker laboratory contained within Bain Capital’s headquarters atop Establishment Mountain. Also, his “very poor” remarks show he’s very tone-deaf for someone whose long-term job has been running for office. We know we’re going to get a president who’s not a true conservative, so we may as well get someone who’s at least obnoxious.
Gingrich’s campaign is as unstable as he is. But what other option do we have? When facing a fantastically woeful record like the one belonging to Barack Obama, the last thing we need is someone who will recoil from mouthing off about it."
Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. I finally came to this conclusion Romney is the only one that may have a chance to fix the business aspect of the country. Maybe right now that needs to be done first.
