Monday, January 16, 2012

Which Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Colleen O'Connor writes an article entitled Call to Justice in today's Denver Post. She correctly asserts that Martin Luther King was about much more than overcoming racial prejudice. However, I believe we honor him today for his achievements in civil rights, not for his work to promote socialism. We honor him for his emphasis on having his children be judged by the content of their character, not his anti-Vietnam War work or his effort to provide a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. O'Connor ties King's legacy to today's Occupy movement. To the extent that is true, his legacy does not benefit America's poor or racial minorities. They can only benefit from the same things the rest of us can benefit from: love of learning, hard work and persistence, good humor, dreaming big and pursuing our dreams, being true to oneself, and being grateful to our Creator.
O'Connor's piece is here:
Related: Dr. Sanity says we are in a worldwide narcissistic crisis:

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