Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Freedom versus discrimination

Ace posts a brilliant refutation today of Ron Paul's "freedom agenda." He shows how the emphasis on the sacred right of property enabled "Jim Crow" practices to prevail. A sandwich shop operator does not want to serve a black man, who just wants a sandwich. The man refuses to leave. The owner calls the police (the government), who arrest the black man for trespassing. Be sure to read the whole thing at Ace of Spades. Here is Ron Paul responding to Chris Wallace's questioning him on this issue: 


  1. You know I didn't live in the segregated south, I was a military brat. That said, there is still down here much anger about "making" someone do the right thing. I've often wondered if MLK and his group had just found a white guy against Jim Crow and had him build a place where the two races came together would that have been a better way? Just a thought.

  2. Terri,
    If there were such a person, he would have had a similar fate as Dr. King.

    Sidney Poitier writes about some of his experiences. Very scary.
