Monday, January 23, 2012

Facing truths

I am reading a book written by Glen Beck and psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow. It is entitled The 7. It is about discovering the truths about who each of us really is. Did you know Glenn's mother committed suicide? Glenn's confusion, sadness, and anger over this event caused him to turn to drugs and alcohol, have lousy personal relationships, and go from job to job. Meeting his second wife, Tonya, was a key turning point, followed closely by his finding faith in himself by finding faith in God through his participation in the Mormon church.

It is about "the 7 wonders" that a person can experience on the way to personal transformation and fulfillment. The first two wonders are courage and faith. The book seems very sound to me, both in its religious and psychological concepts.

Update: "Without question, truth is the most important value of a civilization."  What is truth? "Well, for one thing, it is the thing that results in bad stuff happening if we fail to appreciate it."

1 comment:

  1. I read that book and it was eye opening. He holds nothing back and yet gives hope at the same time.
