Thursday, January 26, 2012

Asian-Pacific region embraces the U.S. military

China is rising as a military power, and being more assertive in staking claims to disputed territories, such as the energy-rich South China Sea. That might explain why countries such as Australia, Singapore, and the Phillippines seem happy to have as their guests various units of the United States military:

1 comment:

  1. The U.S. has always had a military presence in the Philippines because of WW2. In recent decades, American troops have been providing training and support for Filipino soldiers to fight the Muslim separatists in the south.

    Singapore has recently started courting the Chinese by conducting joint military exercises with them.

    Australia pretends to be the region's policeman. Its population of less than 30 million is about one-tenth of its northern neighbor, Indonesia.

    Do they really welcome U.S. troops, like you say? Sure, but let's not pretend that they "embrace" American soldiers. It is purely geo-politics.
