Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yippee, the liberal media thinks they have found something damaging to Gingrich!

The revelation by the Wall Street Journal that Newt Gingrich sent out a memo in 2006 praising Mitt Romney's Massachusetts health care reform bill is causing glee among liberal news organizations. Here is an NBC reporter's take:
That would seemingly temper Gingrich's criticism of the Massachusetts plan as the "forerunner of Obamacare."

Gingrich has similarly criticized the individual mandate contained both in Romney and President Obama's health reforms, despite having supported a similar model for health reform in the 1990s. He's since disavowed such a plan.

Read more here: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/27/9741710-2006-gingrich-memo-praised-romneys-health-reform

Update: But wait, Gingrich has a reply: Gingrich told Newsmax that "the United States must recenter the system on the patient and the doctor so patients are aware of their choices, the costs and which choice fits them best." A Gingrich aide said "time has shown that the plan doesn't work."

"If it’s your mother or your daughter or your wife or your uncle you don’t want to be told gee the bureaucracy doesn’t have any money. You want to be told that this is what we’re going to do to save their lives," Gingrich told Newsmax. "So first you have to build a system to save lives. You have to recenter the system on the patient and the doctor. This not only means not only less government bureaucracy but less private sector bureaucracy, less insurance company bureaucracy."

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