Monday, December 05, 2011

Tough Mr. Trump

Donald Trump has a book out, Time to Get Tough: Making America Number One Again. Sounds good, but I doubt if his ideas about imposing tariffs on other countries would work in our favor. Does he not realize that they can do the same to us?

He praises Romney, Cain, Perry, and Gingrich in an interview with Newsmax. I think he may still be waiting in the wings. Speaking of which, did you know he offered to build a grand ballroom in the White House, so our presidents would not have to entertain foreign dignitaries outside in tents?

Update: Donald Trump was interviewed by Matt Lauer today. Candidates Huntsman and Paul have said they will not participate in the December 27 Newsmax debate, which Trump will moderate, so Trump said Huntsman and Paul are "jokes." Ron Paul says in this CNN interview that he thinks maybe the reason Trump doesn't like him is because he opposes the Federal Reserve's policy of easy credit for developers:

Trump also said on the Today Show that the reason he dropped out was because of his t.v. program and equal time provisions, and that because his contract on Matt's NBC is up in May, he would be able to run for president in May, if none of the GOP candidates were catching on with American voters. Frankly, I liked Ron Paul's statement about not knowing that he was supposed to get Trump's "laying on of hands," as Trump likes to brag that Romney, Cain, Perry, and Gingrich have done.
However, if either Paul or Trump runs for president as an independent in 2012, we've got Obama for four more years. Remember that "giant sucking sound" of Ross Perot? Remember Ralph Nader?
Update: Mitt Romney joins Huntsman and Paul in declining to participate in the Donald Trump moderated debate on December 27.

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