Monday, December 05, 2011


Do you think shyness or introversion is a sickness? Do shy people need to be medicated, so they will be more extroverted? A New York Times opinion writer, Susan Cain, makes the case for introverts:
Susan also has a blog here:
She has a book entitled Quiet coming out next month.


  1. I was terribly shy in high school and sometimes feel twinges of it even now. I don't think we need to all be extroverts but I will say they have an easier time of it.

  2. I tend not to think that "shy" is the direct equivalent of "introverted." I am an introvert (prefer a lot of solitude, and quiet), but not shy (I can speak in public if need-be, and share in groups).

    But I DO think extroversion is seen as the "norm". Some of us just aren't born cruise directors. Some of us (dare I say it) even find cruise directors a bit annoying. :)

    Trinka (who chooses to go to the ladies' room when the "get acquainted games" start at retreats) :)
