Monday, December 12, 2011

It's nice to see bombs bursting in air, but maybe we shouldn't jump on board quite so fast

Bob Belvedere says not-so-fast to Republicans who are jumping on the Newt Gingrich bandwagon. "And, as was shown by his recent-year stumbles in dealing with Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Al Sharpton, Scozzafava, ethanol, cap and trade, and the Ryan budget, Gingrich has not matured one bit.

Newt’s main concern is what is best for Newt…and paying Callista’s Tiffany’s bill.

What would you call a debate between Obama and Newton? Answer: An ‘Egogasm’."
Update: Michael Savage has offered Newt Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the presidential race within the next 72 hours. Via

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. One ego vs another. I'm not a Newt fan. I actually like Bachman but for reasons I can't understand she gets no traction.
