Thursday, December 22, 2011

Coulter doesn't like Gingrich; Sowell doesn't like Romney

Two revered writers on the right have opposing views about Newt Gingrich. Ann Coulter does not like the "adulterer" who makes claims about past "accomplishments" that cannot be fact-checked. Read Ann's acerbic column here:

On the other hand, Thomas Sowell says that Mitt Romney's accomplishments do not compare to those of Newt Gingrich. He gives Gingrich credit for balancing the federal budget and welfare reform. He calls Romney a "smooth talker" who would, as President, be "the bland leading the bland." Read more of Sowell here:

1 comment:

  1. I personally liked the one you linked too that wants to cobble together a candidate out of the ones we have available. I guess I'll have to take Reagan's idea if you agree with 80% there's your guy or in my case woman as in Bachman.
