Yesterday the Denver Post ran a story by three reporters for Bloomberg News. The story is that Bloomberg News won a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the Federal Reserve and the biggest banks, and obtained 29,000 pages of Fed documents and records of more than 21,000 bank transactions. The Fed never disclosed to lawmakers these transactions. The six biggest U.S. banks secretly borrowed $460 billion dollars from the Fed. This does not include the $160 billion dollars these same banks got from TARP funds. The bankers also did not disclose the loans to their shareholders. The banks reaped an estimated $13 billion dollars in income from the Fed's below-market interest rates. Read more here:
Now let's go to this story. Chase Bank in Atlanta tried to throw out of her house a 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter this week. Kudos to the Sheriff Deputies, who refused to move the frail woman out on the street. Video and story here:
House of cards?