Thursday, November 03, 2011

"No Regulation without Representation"

Maggie's Farm has an excellent discussion of the problem of the cost of new regulations. The post quotes from an analysis by the Heritage Foundation:
Firm action by Congress to rein in costly regulation is sorely needed. Over the past few years, the cost and number of new regulations have increased dramatically. This increase did not begin with President Obama, but it has accelerated markedly during his tenure. From inauguration day 2009 through March of this year, regulatory agencies imposed some 75 major new regulations (defined as those costing $100 million or more), imposing some $38 billion of new costs annually on the economy and consumers.[1]

This is on top of the continuing burden of the existing stock of red tape, which has been estimated at some $1.75 trillion per year.[2] This burden not only increases costs for consumers but hinders enterprises from growing and jobs from being created.

The Reins Act is part of the Republican Jobs bill. According to legal analyst Jonathan Alter, "it seeks to hold Congress accountable for regulations promulgated in its name. Those regulations expected to cost over $100 million annually – may not become effective unless a joint resolution of approval passes Congress."
The link:

1 comment:

  1. I just find myself unable to believe that the same people (relected time after time) that got us in to this mess really have the wherewithal to get us out.
