Thursday, November 24, 2011


The commenters on Roger L. Simon's post about flip-flopping got into a discussion of leftism and leftists. Here are some that I liked:
In the current economic crisis, they are not rooting for capitalism to recover, they are rooting for it to be destroyed.

They are not rooting for peace in Israel, they are rooting for her to be eradicated.

They are not adherents to science and rigorous testing of hypotheses over religion and faith…they are abusers of science to promote the cult/faith of leftism.

They are not for “green” energy, or reduction of global warming…they are for “red” redistribution and global domination.

And this:
You shouldn’t feel so bad about once being a leftist. The leftist have a neat little trick: they are ALWAYS AGAINST EVERYTHING BAD in our society, our economy, our government. Don’t like racism? The left has got you covered. Hate war? So does the left. Can’t pay your student loan? The left is on your side. The left sustains itself on people’s discontent, and it sustains discontented people with promises of Utopia. To a young person with no experience of How Things Really Work, leftism seems like a perfect fit.

1 comment:

  1. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one, Bob!
