The Onion features a story about a man who will never be financially well-off, because he just keeps on doing the right things (It is The Onion, so, unfortunately, some rough language is used):,26639/
Bob, you don't believe that was anything other than fiction do you? It does make the author look like quite the morally misguided one, but oh well... it's the Onion. The point of view is common enough. Common in the vulgar sense too, but honestly, people who think the only way to get ahead is to walk on other people's backs are the ones who make getting along difficult. One of Bill Whittle's afterburner videos goes to the heart of this. You are not alone (open question as to whether I've remembered all the syntax for a link) I read this essay long ago, and it still resonates with me. Doing right is only idiocy in the eyes of moral retards... the point I wanted to make originally.