Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Iranian Payload

What does the International Atomic Energy report say about Iran's weapon payload?
The blogger at Market ticker adds this explanatory note: Ps: An EMP weapon is a special sort of nuclear device in that it is optimized to interact with the earth's magnetic field so as to produce a huge coupled electrical pulse into any metallic thing that is long enough to work as an antenna. It thus is intended to destroy electrical and electronic infrastructure rather than blow things on the ground to bits or kill people with the direct and indirect blast effects and is a nasty weapon as it should not produce a material amount of fallout and physical destruction.

The link: http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=197214

1 comment:

  1. Seems to fit more of our belief to disable enemies than kill them. Iran as far as I can see wants us to convert or die. Hmmmm. Not sure what this could mean other than Iran could not get the nuke material to work for them.
