Monday, November 28, 2011

Freddy Mac, or Fannie Mae?

Barney Frank is resigning from Congress. Dennis Miller joked today that when people called in to the brothel operated in Barney Frank's house they used code words to indicate what kind of sex they wished to engage in. The code words were "Freddy Mac" and "Fannie Mae."
Read more here, if you care:
Update: Jeffro from the Poor Farm made a good correction to this post in the comments section: Barney boy is not resigning; he has just announced that he is not running for reelection. Either way, the country will be better off.
Update two: Jeff Goldstein notes that improperly-zoned gay brothels and those getting rich off of market collapses engineered by government, hardest hit:


  1. He's not resigning - just not running for reelection. It's a bright day today anyways!

  2. It should be good news right? Heard his district is being redrawn? Hmmm
