Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Don't say it, if it's a lie!"

Tonight I stopped at the grocery store and the library before heading home. At both of those places there were petition-gatherers hawking legalization of marijuana. At the library I decided to talk to the man hawking the petition. I told him I was not in favor of giving our citizens another legal way to be dependent on a drug, like we have done with cigarettes and alcohol. I just don't want to lend them a hand in this particular cause. The man said, "People are going to do it anyway, so we might as well collect the taxes. It's better than throwing them in jail." I challenged him on that one, asking if jailing people for marijuana use is really happening in Colorado. He said, "No, not in Colorado." I told him, "Then don't use that lie in your argument!"

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Their obsession is based on a lie. They have nothing else but smoky mirrors to confuse people. Adding legality to another drug is just stupid.
