The Art of War,it is The War of Art. It is about overcoming the blockages that keep us from honoring the gifts God has given us.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part is all about the many manifestations of "resistance," the word Pressfield uses to define our enemy, the negative forces that keep us from realizing our unique God-given gifts: self-sabotage, self-deception, self-corruption, and many more.
The second part is about developing a battle plan; what Pressfield calls "turning pro:" committing to the task, discipline, patience, endurance, acting in the face of fear and failure.
The third part is achieving victory: connecting with the Divine source of our talent.
I will write more about this book, after I re-read it and decide what his most unique and relevant ideas were for me. I want to honor the gifts God has given me, but most of the time I am my own worst enemy.
Aren't we all?