Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Torture is okay now?

I know, this report comes from the New York Times, and it quotes the UN, so it is doubly suspect for bias, but if true, it is disturbing. How can we turn people over to people who will torture them, if Obama is against torture?

"Suspects are hung by their hands, beaten with cables and in some cases their genitals are twisted until they lose consciousness in detention facilities run by the Afghan intelligence service and the Afghan national police, according to a study released Monday by the United Nations here.[...]

The report found evidence of “a compelling pattern and practice of systematic torture and ill-treatment” during interrogation in the accounts of nearly half of the detainees of the intelligence service, known as the National Directorate of Intelligence, who were interviewed by United Nations researchers. The national police treatment of detainees was somewhat less severe and widespread, the report found. Its research covered 47 facilities sites in 22 provinces. “Use of interrogation methods, including suspension, beatings, electric shock, stress positions and threatened sexual assault is unacceptable by any standard of international human rights law,” the report said."

The link: http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/10/un_report_afghan_security_forces_routinely_abuse_detainees

1 comment:

  1. I will always believe a lack of judeo-christian beliefs causes this evilness.
