Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post writes:
As he did on his jobs plan, Romney’s foreign policy rollout is detailed, organized, professional and aided by very smart people. The logistics of assembling a big team of top advisors, crafting a short but bold speech and coming up with a detailed written document are daunting and impressive. The level of detail is unlike anything any other candidate has attempted, and far exceeds what we usually get in campaigns. This is Romney the executive, Romney the smart guy and Romney the polished professional. His message is clear: I’m prepared and I know what I am doing.
But what is surprising about his foreign policy effort is that unlike his economic plans and what has come to be seen as a character defect (e.g. lack of strong convictions) his foreign policy statements are bold, unqualified, and not couched for political advantage.
Actually, Jennifer, I am beginning to believe that those who see him as lacking in strong convictions have not bothered to read his book. They are just repeating what they have heard other conservatives say.
The link to Jennifer's post is here:
The link to Jonathan Tobin's post is here:
Yes on foreign policy I am in complete agreement with Romney and feel he really does get it. Wish he were so inclined on other major stuff.