Monday, October 17, 2011

Here's a blogger who thinks the OW protesters in New York are great!

On the other hand, the blogger at The Burning Platform thinks the OW people in New York City are just great! Read his posts here:

1 comment:

  1. "I came back from NYC with hope that the young people of this country, with the help of some members of the older generations that care about the future of this country, have the will and the fortitude to sweep away the existing corrupt corporate fascist state that exists in this country today."

    Using this kind of extreme language "FASCIST"??? Really???? It's so damaging. Either #1 - people totally lose the concept of what those words MEAN. or #2 - it creates an issue in people's minds that is totally out of proportion to reality.

    There are things in our country that need to be fixed. But this OWS nonsense is not the way to fix them. They talk about revolution as if it's a party, at the end of which, we all get candy bars and free puppies. Revolution, historically, is no party, and at the end, what most people get is dead, or impoverished.
