Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A winning strategy

I am not one to listen to long speeches, but I did listen to this one by Chris Christie, who spoke last night at the Reagan Library. I liked what he said. I think he could give Obama a real run for his money. He asks Obama what changed him from the 2004 speech he gave at the Democrat convention. When did he decide to become a divider?

Like Ronald Reagan, Christie has earned a reputation as a man who says what he means, and means what he says. He has achieved bi-partisan support in New Jersey to right that ship financially. How?
1. We identified the problems.
2. We proposed solutions.
3. We educated the public.
4. We took action, including compromising with the opposition.

The speech included much praise for the best of Ronald Reagan, a leader we sorely miss today. It is a winning strategy.

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