Friday, September 30, 2011

Why Herman Cain is resonating with voters

The Daily Caller features a post explaining why Herman Cain is resonating with voters. He is now leading the field of Republican challengers to Obama, according to the latest Zogby poll.
"I have had the honor of speaking with Herman Cain in person and interviewed him recently. I was impressed on both occasions by his refusal to tell me what he thought I wanted to hear, and to instead simply tell me what he thought. There is a refreshing honesty with which he delivers his message, one that is void of the arrogance and elitist condescension that characterize our current commander-in-chief."

Read the whole thing at

Update: Also, there is this excellent post on the sad realities of race in America.
"That Herman Cain can only predict garnering one third of the the black vote in next year’s election speaks to the sad state of race in America. That there is even one black family in this country who would not want a son or daughter to emulate this man’s work ethic, level of self-made success, and amazing courage is not only a travesty; it’s a stark reminder of how deluded the majority of blacks in America have become.

That two thirds of black Americans would dutifully vote for a different black man – not simply because he is black, but because he preaches the politics of deceit and division; because he tells them what they want to hear, (and have heard from liberal politicians for more than 50 years); because desperately seeks to maintain their support through fear and deception – that too, speaks to the sad reality of race in America."

Read the whole thing at

1 comment:

  1. Blacks and other minorities have this lock step concept and there are probably many reasons for it. I would submit tho part of it is the minority label. Can we all just be Americans?
