Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I am Jon Agard, age 11 (actually, he wrote this last year, at age ten)

When I am 35 my reign as King of the World will be remembered as the longest and the most sufficiently awesome ever. Slavery will be overthrown throughout the world. Thugs and criminals will be brought to justice. There will no longer be a need for taxes. World peace will be accomplished. Technology to the highest extent will be available at the world's fingertips. With our technology, outer universes will be taken over and conquered. A reasonable sum of $200,000.00 per every two weeks would, of course, go to me.

My four sons, Mitchell, Isaac, Falco, and Cojack will not be snotty or have a "better than thou" attitude or character.

Yes, I will have done this in the short period of fifteen years - starting when I was twenty. I truly will be the best King of the World ever!

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