Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Saving" jobs while actually losing them: media spin

While I am sharing wisdom from Ace of Spades, let's not overlook this dazzling piece of writing from him about media bias:
If Obama can "save" 1.4 to 3.3 million jobs while actually losing 2.5 million jobs, think how many more Romney "saved" while creating 100,000, or how very many Perry "saved" while creating 450,000 over just two years!

And yet, no one thinks to do these calculations at AP or CNN. One special soft-bigotry-of-low-expectations standard for Obama; a much tougher standard -- the normal, conventional one used for every other office holder in American history -- for everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Truth is no governor or president can create or save jobs. The real culprit is the legislative end and their propensity to slap on ever increasing taxes. Just once I'd like to hear a candidate admit that truth.
