Friday, September 09, 2011

More graft and cronyism (beware of promises)

Instapundit links to a post by Veronique De Rugy, including a graph of Obama's unemployment predictions versus actual unemployment. Glenn then quotes a sentence from her post and makes a couple of assertions of his own:
“As the prospect of yet another increase in stimulus spending for the sake of job creation looms, we need to be reminded that sustainable job creation comes from the private sector.” We need a moratorium on new regulations and taxes, and actual rollbacks of job-killing policies like ObamaCare, if you want to see employment recover. The problem with that approach is that it offers insufficient opportunities for graft and cronyism. Thus, “stimulus” programs instead.

1 comment:

  1. If people get the private sector then how did we end up with Obama? Oh yea the other choice was McCain.
