Monday, September 12, 2011

A lot said in two paragraphs

Betsy Newmark likes these two paragraphs from economics writer Robert Samuelson:
Start with Obama. He has run two parallel administrations, pretending he could pursue separate jobs and social agendas as if they were unrelated. His health-care "reform," by requiring employer-paid insurance, will raise employment costs. Did he really think this wouldn't affect the profitability of hiring? (See Condition Two above.) Many Obama policies frustrate job creation.

Switch to Capitol Hill. It's more of the same. Republicans and Democrats exult in vitriolic attacks on each other. Their pleasure from mutual vilification comes at the public cost of lower confidence. By contributing to this, the disarray over long-term deficits also undermines employment.

I like Betsy's Blog. She accomplishes what I only try to do in this blog: bring to readers the best thinking and writing on important issues of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Betsy knows what we all know but our elected elite. Time to take DC back don't you think?! I say start with term limits.
