Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Ingraham and Coulter on Palin

What Laura Ingraham said about Mitt Romney in this exchange with Ann Coulter is exactly what attracted me to Romney. I am looking for someone who has been thoughtfully and thoroughly examining the issues that are needing presidential leadership for America, and isn't afraid to tell us where he stands and what he would do about them. Meanwhile, if Sarah loses Laura and Ann, she loses significant support.


  1. Sometimes I'm afraid Laura and Ann get into that Ivy League mentality. I was shocked at their response to Harriet Myers for the Supreme Court. You don't have to be from an Ivy League School to be smart, effective, trustworthy or capable.

  2. Terri,
    I know exactly what you are referring to, and I had the same reaction. Laura's reaction to the Myers nomination was fierce.
