Friday, July 01, 2011

Tourette Syndrome

From reading Patterson's and Friedman's Against Medical Advice, I am pondering what causes Tourette Syndrome. I wonder if it is an example of how Satan attacks individuals and families. Victims say, "this is not me!" The compulsions sometimes involve uttering words or acting in a way that the sufferer knows is inappropriate, but the person cannot stop himself or herself from the word or action.

Go ahead and laugh at me for thinking this. Do you have a more convincing explanation? My heart goes out to individuals and families faced with the challenges presented by Tourette Syndrome.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm Satanic attack? I'm more inclined to think that demon possession and satanic attack is a pretty good metaphor for any (GB's words) uncontrolled mind parasite. Tourette's is one we haven't ever gotten a handle on, so Satan's as good an explanation as any for until we find how to help the victim beat back the compulsions. When the exorcisms work, I'll be right with you citing Beelzebub.
