Right-of-center Cal Thomas and left-of-center Froma Harrop both have important things to say about Anders Breivik. Thomas points out that police and journalists are calling him a "Christian fundamentalist," although these same groups never refer to Islamic terrorists as "Muslim fundamentalists," for fear of angering Islamists. Thomas also points out that Norway forbids civilians from carrying concealed weapons, or owning automatic weapons, unless they are gun collectors. I remember that at Columbine High School here in Colorado, and at Virginia Tech, the campuses were "gun free zones."
Harrop also criticizes those in the media who call Breivik a "right-winger." She is irritated by the media's need to put this into a political framework and ask irrelevant questions such as "What did he want?" There are legitimate debaters on both the right and the left who are concerned about multi-culturalism and immigration issues, and to put this insane man in the middle of those debates does both sides a disservice and "distorts the views" of sane people who have similar concerns.
Ann Coulter did a great job on this.