Monday, July 11, 2011

The biggest cover-up since Watergate?

Here is an excerpt from a speech given by Attorney General Holder in Mexico on April 2, 2009.
Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion.

Flopping Aces has some strong words for Holder:
Holder now has subjective memory loss and denies any knowledge of “Gun Runner” AKA “Fast and Furious”. Supposedly, the illegal operation was set up straw men to buy military weapons for Mexican drug cartels and trace the guns back to Mexico to make apprehensions, money was even given to the straw men to buy the weapons. There was no tracking of the weapons or apprehensions of suspects. It is logical to assume that the real intent was to provide the weaponry on the border to invoke chaos and provide reasons for invoking tighter gun control laws. The weapons were used in Mexico in countless murders and in the murder of two federal agents in the US. Again it has become very convenient for Holder to forget all about operation “Gun Runner”; especially, now that he is implicated in the murder of two federal agents on the border by approving the operation that provided the weaponry that killed the agents while insisting that federal border agents fire bean bag bullets at drug runners and murderers.

And these final words from Flopping Aces: "We are now recovering the weapons at crime scenes along with the bodies of victims."

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