Monday, June 06, 2011

Recognizing achievements

It is so important in parenting to focus on successes the children are achieving. It is easy to focus on the problem areas, but not usually very helpful. Notice the difference, though, when you focus on the child's achievements!

Yesterday Sara put out two plates of food for people to munch on. One had piles of salsa, chips, honey mustard and strips of cheese. The other had cherries, tiny tomatoes, salsa, chips, and watermelon. It was all her own idea, and she was the most amiable hostess you ever saw. I praised her and realized that a career in sales would be perfect for Sara. I talked with her about how she could be the woman at Wal-Mart who demonstrated products, for example. She was very proud of herself, rightly so.

In looking through Jon's school composition books, which he brought home at the end of the school year, I read a wonderful piece he had written about his mom. I typed it up and he signed it with his unique signature, and I put it on his mom's computer for her to read in the morning. Then, he and I and Greg did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, so she would awaken to a clean kitchen.

No one wants to be known for their disabilities or problem behaviors. We need the important people in our lives to recognize us for what is unique and worthwhile about us; for what we can contribute.


  1. What a lucky bunch of kids you have.

  2. Truer words were never spoken. My parents maybe went a bit overboard on this but I always thought I could do anything.

  3. Thank you for saying hello.
    good reminder here. We are so blessed with these little people to remember to keep eye for this in them , others and even within our self.

  4. Great post! I find when I'm looking for the positive in my children, my patience for stumbles is more readily available!
