Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Potion

Now that school is out for the summer, parents need to be vigilant in protecting their children from all manner of potential mishaps. Or, as in my case, you need to encourage your kids to practice good preventive health. This morning Jon and Greg decided to go outside and collect items for a health potion. If anyone is injured, they just need to drink from this magic potion. Here are the ingredients:
Snake eye goop
wild mushrooms
Leprechan blood
Zandernach (a dragon monster) blood
goblin piss
black powder
evil flowers that bite
dried Rhinosasaurus tears (a creature with three tails)
the brain of a thing only Jon and Greg know how to spell and pronounce
Armadillo milk
Fire Ant (this is the most important ingredient)

Cook for fifty minutes on high
Mush everything up as you cook
Freeze until ice forms
Thaw it out
Freeze it again
Thaw it out
Pour it in an old aspirin container
Try to get your little sister to drink it.
Run when your father intervenes.


  1. Sounds like a good potion to me. You ought to bottle and sell it.
