Friday, May 13, 2011

"Cosmic Law"

One Cosmos today featured this animated discussion of Socialism, which gave me a chuckle. I have been reading Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny, which is excellent and has a good discussion of "Natural Law." Dr. Bob today makes many good points, as usual, but the one I liked best was his point that the term "Natural Law" is misleading, and should rather be called "Cosmic Law." To quote Bob:
"...Cosmic Law, i.e., those laws that are authorized and handed down by our Creator.

For only if there is a Creator can there be any universally applicable law. Otherwise we are ruled by custom, opinion and convenience, which in the end devolves to power, not truth.

Truth subordinated to power ends in Crucifixion. Conversely, power subordinated to Truth is Resurrection."

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