Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Cosmos: A Treasure Trove of Thought

Are you a Christian who is not impressed by most preachers and Christian authors? Try Gagdad Bob at One Cosmos. Here is a line from his April 13 post: "The One is simultaneously closer to us than our own being, and yet beyond our imagining."

Here is a line from his April 11 post: "Pride -- or hubris -- is the sin from which all others flow, as it essentially involves an overvaluation of the self (or ego) accompanied by a devaluation of the other." Another: "Such rulers bring only change we can bereave in." (Bob likes to play on words).

Another reason to go to One Cosmos is the comments section. On the subject of abortion, one of Bob's readers had this to say: "Odd how the same people who claim that sexual orientation is genetically fixed at conception claim that the fetus is not a person. Which means that for the prescientific leftist, it is possible to be a nonexistent homosexual, or a specified nothing." (When leftists dare try to attack the Raccoons' postulates, they get swamped by comments like "This man is way under our heads.") That same commenter, Julie, linked to this wonderful blog post.

1 comment:

  1. The thing that impressed me the most when I was "questioning with boldness even the very existence of God" was that Christians were for the most part straight forward in their understanding of life. I enived them that. I like to stretch an academic idea as much as the next psuedo intellectual but as a Christian I know enough to be honest about what I'm doing.
