Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Response ability"

One of the many ideas I liked in reading Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's book My Stroke of Insight was her concept of responsibility. The word, according to the point Dr. Taylor makes, is shorthand for "response ability." Her point is that after the 90 second physiological response to negative stimuli, we can choose how we want to respond. Do we want to engage in left-brain argument with the person who is triggering our negative emotions, or do we want our "big picture," "calm," right-brain to "mellow" out our way of handling the situation?

That does not mean we choose to become a doormat for aggressive left-brain-dominated people to walk on and over. It just means we give our brain a chance to pause and consider its choices of responses.


  1. Hmmm you mean like this am when a car going about 90 was weaving in and out of traffic on a bridge and cut in front of me and my first left brain response was to crowd him out and "teach him a lesson" and then my horrorfried right brain, said please, just calm down move over to the right hand side and enjoy the beautiful lights across the bayway. I drive in before the sun gets up.

  2. Yes, Terri! You've got it, absolutely!
